What To Do When Your In-Laws Hate You

Hello hello!

If you have stumbled across this post, maybe you’re having trouble gaining the approval of your soon-to-be or current in-laws. Maybe you got wasted and made a fool of yourself in front of them, or maybe, you’re just not good enough for their precious darling. Whatever the case may be, I’m happy to help! Here are some steps to help you out:

1. Smile!

Have you ever heard of the saying, “Kill them with kindness” and thought it was kind of bogus? Or maybe, it’s a great idea put isn’t so great in practice? Smiling and being nice is a great way to make yourself feel better, and will drive your in-laws crazy if they can’t stand you. It shows confidence and compassion. Just stick to your guns and eventually they might come around.

2. Beef up the conversation

Odds are, your mother-in-law or father-in-law have something that they are interested in (be it a hobby, a movie, or whatever). Relate to them in conversation somehow, without making it obvious that you are trying to win their approval. If they are clearly not interested or are irritated, let it go. 

3. Impress them

Have you ever watched the show, “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel”? Midge goes around town making brisket for people she wants to ask favors of. Perhaps you can bribe your in-laws to like you (lol). Or, you can show off one of your strengths that is bound to grab your mother-in-law’s attention and force her to believe you are closer to her son’s level than she thought. NEVER try too hard though. There is nothing worse than someone who tries too hard and makes things embarrassing or awkward.

4. Stop giving a sh**

If nothing works and it is inevitable that your in-laws hate you, let it go. Your mate chose you because you are wonderful and amazing. If your in-laws do not see that quality in you, then don’t worry about it. Have you ever heard the saying “Sometimes people won’t like you and it has nothing to do with you?” Well it is true! 

Hang in there! You are amazing :)

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